工作中的压力Pressure at Work

在公司里,我总是尽力而为,生怕出一点差错。可是不管我多么努力,老板总是觉得不满意,总有无尽的要求和批评。有一次我加班到深夜,完成了一项重要任务,带着疲惫但满足的心情回到家。第二天,老板却只挑出其中的一个小错误,狠狠地批评了我,完全无视我的付出。我感到心力交瘁,甚至怀疑自己是否真的适合这份工作。 At the company, I always give my best, afraid of making even the smallest mistake. Yet, no matter how hard I try, my boss is never satisfied, always finding endless demands and criticisms. One night, I worked late to complete an important task, returning home feeling exhausted but fulfilled. The next day, however, my […]

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