告别的痛苦The Pain of Saying Goodbye

某一天,我的好朋友告诉我,他们要搬到另一座城市。我们认识了这么多年,一起度过了无数的快乐时光。离别的那天,我们在机场拥抱告别。我微笑着对他们说“会再见的”,可心里却无比酸楚。等他们的身影消失在安检口,你才发现泪水早已浸湿了脸颊。你知道,很多关系一旦疏远,就再也无法回到过去了。 One day, my best friend tells me they are moving to another city. We’ve known each other for years and shared countless joyful moments. On the day of their departure, we hug goodbye at the airport. I smile and tell them, “We’ll see each other again,” but inside, my heart aches. As their figure […]

告别的痛苦The Pain of Saying Goodbye Read More »