恋爱中的失落Disappointment in Love

我和爱人已经在一起好几年,曾经我们无比亲密,一起经历了许多美好的时光。但最近我发现他变得越来越冷淡。以前我们会经常聊未来的计划,现在每当我提起共同的未来,他总是岔开话题。某天晚上,我精心准备了一顿晚餐,想给她一个惊喜。可是当对方回到家,看到我的准备,却只是简单地说了一句“谢谢”,然后就低头玩起了手机。你笑着说“没关系”,可心里却满是失落与难过。 I’ve been in a relationship for several years, and we used to be incredibly close, sharing many wonderful moments. Recently, however, I noticed my partner becoming increasingly distant. Where we once discussed our future together, now every time I bring it up, they change the subject. One evening, I prepared a special dinner to […]

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