家人的期望Family Expectations

从小我就一直是家人的骄傲,考试成绩优异,走的每一步都似乎符合他们的期望。可我内心深处有自己的梦想,却一直没能说出口。某天,家人又在饭桌上聊到我未来的职业规划,他们已经为我安排好了人生的轨迹,而我只能勉强地微笑,点头答应。饭后我回到房间,坐在桌前,打开那本写满你梦想的小笔记本,眼泪默默流下。你不知道什么时候才能为自己而活。 Since childhood, I’ve always been the pride of my family, excelling in exams and following the path they laid out for me. Yet deep inside, I have my own dreams that I’ve never had the courage to voice. One day, at dinner, my family discusses my future career plans again, already mapping out my […]

家人的期望Family Expectations Read More »