朋友的疏远Drifting Apart from a Friend

我和一个朋友曾经无话不谈,几乎每天都联系。可是最近我发现,聊天的频率越来越少,我发出的消息也常常被忽视。我开始猜测是不是自己哪里做错了,心里满是焦虑和不安。某天,我看到他和其他朋友的合影,笑得那么开心,而我却不在其中。那一刻,我的心凉了,仿佛曾经的亲密只是你一厢情愿。 I and a friend used to talk about everything, keeping in touch almost every day. But recently, I’ve noticed the conversations becoming less frequent, and I messages often go unanswered. I start wondering if I did something wrong, feeling anxious and uneasy. One day, I see a photo of them with other friends, smiling […]

朋友的疏远Drifting Apart from a Friend Read More »